ULTRAFORMER MPT 鋼筋索是韓國最新一代HIFU技術,革命性六大突破,獨有MPT微脈衝技術417點一缐發放非侵入性、無創傷拉提療程,過程舒適,零痛感;多達十個治療頭,設直線和圈線探頭,360度零死角懸吊拉提,強化療程效果鎖緊面部輪廓,雙向程序縮短療程時間;更首創ULTRA BOOSTER突破性HIFU導入,含有穀胱甘肽及38種活性成分,配合 ULTRAFORMER MPT 治療,可產生亮膚效果,讓肌膚煥發光彩。
Four suitable skin types
Age-related issues cause natural aging of the skin, leading to a trapezoidal face shape, double chin, prominent cheekbones, and sunken cheeks.
Enlarged pores
The loss of collagen causes the skin to lose its original support and elasticity, leading to enlarged pores.
Fine lines
The loss of collagen leads to the collapse of dermal tissue, causing texture issues to emerge in different areas, such as fine lines around the eyes, nasolabial folds, and various other fine wrinkles.
Uneven skin tone, dull and yellowish complexion
Dull skin tone, yellowish complexion, and uneven skin tone
What is HIFU ?
HIFU - High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound,中文全名是高效聚焦超聲波,聲波屬於音頻的一種,早期主要應用是在無創治療手術上,利用聚焦方式將超聲波匯聚起來引入體内目標組織,其原理與放大器聚焦太陽光一樣,利用熱及空化效應等機制來切割及破壞體內不正常細胞。
HIFU, which stands for High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound, is a non-invasive treatment that uses focused ultrasound waves to target specific tissues within the body. The principle is similar to how a magnifying glass focuses sunlight. By concentrating ultrasound waves, HIFU generates heat and cavitation effects to cut and destroy abnormal cells in the body.
HIFU is now widely used in the field of anti-aging. The focused ultrasound emits high energy to the deeper layers of the skin, heating the underlying tissue without affecting the surface. This stimulates the fascia layer, which extends down to 4.5 mm beneath the skin, causing a lifting and tightening effect. This results in the contraction of the fascia layer, effectively lifting and firming the skin, stimulating the production of new collagen, and making the skin more taut, thus alleviating signs of aging.
The Fascia Layer: An Essential Understanding in Anti-Aging
筋膜層(SMAS)是皮膚底層的組織,就如網狀一樣,年輕時筋膜層的網狀是精細緊密,緊緻度、承托度強,但隨着年齡增長,筋膜層原本的緊致度和承托度會不斷下降,令皮膚下垂鬆弛,失去彈性,而皮膚最底部是不能自我更生修復的,所以必須透過醫 美技術治療,HIFU就是能真正改善修復筋膜層·,不用手術真正逆轉肌齡,HIFU 療程次數會以不同年紀、不同問題而增加。
The fascia layer (SMAS) is the underlying tissue of the skin and resembles a mesh. When we are young, the fascia layer is fine and tightly woven, providing strong support and firmness. However, as we age, the original tightness and support of the fascia layer decrease, leading to sagging and loss of elasticity in the skin. Since the deepest layer of the skin cannot regenerate or repair itself, medical aesthetic techniques are necessary for treatment. HIFU can genuinely improve and repair the fascia layer without surgery, effectively reversing skin aging. The number of HIFU treatments required will vary based on age and specific concerns.
Korean HIFU VS US HIFU. What are their differences ?
鋼筋索 HIFU Ultraformer MPT 功效
The benefits of Ultraformer MPT HIFU
Lifting / Anti-aging / Reducing double chin / Decreasing eye wrinkles / Reducing eye bags / Restoring apple-like cheeks / Lightening stretch marks / Increasing skin elasticity / Stimulating collagen / Overall lifting and tightening of the face / Tightening jawline contours / Smoother skin / Addressing wrinkles and pore issues
最新韓國無痛整容級 #HIFU 突破性技術
The latest painless cosmetic-grade #HIFU technology from Korea
無論您是什麼年齡、臉型、膚質或肌膚狀態,最新韓國無痛整容級HIFU 突破性技術 - 鋼筋索 Ultraformer MPT都能實現緊實、拉提及體態雕塑的多重效果。如果您有定期進行醫美項目保養,但希望追求更高階的治療體驗及全面效果、出現眉眼鬆弛下垂或缺乏神采、有脂肪型雙下巴、嘴邊肉明顯下垂、臉頰與頸部交界處輪廓模糊、想要改善臉部細紋或頸紋、身體大面積皮膚鬆弛,最新韓國無痛整容級HIFU 突破性技術 - 鋼筋索 Ultraformer MPT 非常適合您。
Regardless of your age, face shape, skin type, or skin condition, the latest painless cosmetic-grade HIFU technology - Ultraformer MPT - can achieve multiple effects of tightening, lifting, and body sculpting. If you regularly undergo aesthetic treatments but seek a more advanced treatment experience and comprehensive results, or if you have droopy or lackluster eyebrows and eyes, fat-type double chins, noticeable sagging around the mouth, blurred contours at the junction of the cheeks and neck, want to improve facial fine lines or neck wrinkles, or have loose skin over a large body area, the latest painless cosmetic-grade HIFU technology - Ultraformer MPT - is perfect for you.
Breakthrough 1: Up to Ten Treatment Heads for Comprehensive Treatment Areas
ULTRAFORMER MPT 鋼筋索多達十個治療頭,可進行互相配合,全面覆蓋治療區域,填補直線點陣間的空隙,效果更全面更持久,適用部位包括前額、眼部下垂、皺紋、眼袋、中面部提升、改善法令紋、木偶紋、嘴部皺紋,亦可進行下半面提升,改善下顎鬆弛、頸部、雙下巴。
The ULTRAFORMER MPT features up to ten treatment heads that can work in coordination to comprehensively cover treatment areas, filling the gaps between linear dot arrays for a more thorough and lasting effect. Applicable areas include the forehead, drooping eyelids, wrinkles, bags under the eyes, mid-face lifting, improvement of nasolabial folds, puppet lines, and mouth wrinkles. It can also be used for lower face lifting, improving sagging jawlines, neck, and double chins.
Breakthrough 2: Maximum Effect with 417 Points of Thermal Energy Concentration
ULTRAFORMER MPT 鋼筋索採用的微脈衝技術MPT-Micro Pulsed Technology是一種最新優化的HIFU醫學級技術,由過往傳統HIFU的17個TCP熱凝固點優化至417個TCP熱凝固點,比傳統HIFU每發密點24倍,治療時間快3倍,在25毫米的治療長度內連續生成417個TCP熱凝固點,核心是使熱能在治療位置密集放出,並通過累積熱能產生最大化效果,被稱為「整容級HIFU」!
The micro-pulse technology used in the ULTRAFORMER MPT, called MPT-Micro Pulsed Technology, is a newly optimized medical-grade HIFU technique that has enhanced the traditional 17 TCP thermal coagulation points to 417 TCP thermal coagulation points. This is 24 times denser than traditional HIFU, with treatment times reduced by 3 times. It continuously generates 417 TCP thermal coagulation points within a treatment length of 25 mm, focusing on releasing thermal energy densely at the treatment site and maximizing effects through accumulated thermal energy, earning the title of "Cosmetic Level HIFU"!
Breakthrough 3: 360-Degree Zero Angle Lifting
傳統HIFU只有直線模式,未能在立體的面部上把能量平均及全面覆蓋,以至最佳效果始終受制於面部的輪廓、面骨,10D聚拉提第四代ULTRAFORMER MPT 鋼筋索同時設置直線及Ultra-BOOSTER圈線探頭,彌補一般HIFU直線模式探頭的空隙,能更全面地覆蓋臉部,照顧細小部位,加強療程效果,做到360°鎖緊面部輪廓。
Traditional HIFU only offers linear modes, which fail to evenly and comprehensively cover energy on three-dimensional facial structures, limiting optimal results based on facial contours and bone structure. The 10D Lifting fourth-generation ULTRAFORMER MPT is equipped with both linear and Ultra-BOOSTER circular probe settings, addressing the gaps left by standard HIFU linear mode probes. This allows for more comprehensive coverage of the face, taking care of small areas, enhancing treatment effects, and achieving a 360° tightening of facial contours.
Breakthrough 4: Bi-Directional Program for Shorter Treatment Times
突破性技術大幅縮短治療時間,ULTRAFORMER MPT 脈衝發放時間較傳統HIFU快2.5倍,一次治療500發 只需257.9秒(即4分30秒),較傳統HIFU療程快3倍。
This groundbreaking technology significantly reduces treatment time; the ULTRAFORMER MPT emits pulses 2.5 times faster than traditional HIFU. A single treatment of 500 pulses takes only 257.9 seconds (about 4 minutes and 30 seconds), making it three times faster than traditional HIFU treatments.
Breakthrough 5: Zero Pain with MPT Micro-Pulse Technology
非入侵性醫美療程不管是聚焦於深層皮膚還是皮膚表面,痛感也愈來愈微弱了。10D聚拉提第四代ULTRAFORMER MPT 鋼筋索亦不例外,獨有微脈衝技術Micro Pulsed Technology(MPT)使密集性的熱能可大大減輕療程疼痛
Non-invasive medical beauty treatments, whether focusing on deep skin layers or the skin's surface, increasingly result in minimal pain. The 10D Lifting fourth-generation ULTRAFORMER MPT is no exception, as its unique micro-pulse technology (MPT) significantly reduces the pain associated with concentrated thermal energy treatments.
Breakthrough 6: ULTRA BOOSTER Revolutionary HIFU Infusion